3 foods to ban to melt up to 7 kg of fat (even if everyone tells you otherwise)

Christopher’s 3-step method to eliminate stubborn fat without deprivation

Are you tired of being overweight and want to lose fat quickly, especially around your belly? Christopher, a sports coach, has developed a formidable 3-step method that allowed him to lose 7 kg of fat. His secret?

Gradually eliminate 3 categories of foods from his diet, even if they are considered “healthy” foods. Explanations.

Why do we gain weight? Blame it on carbs and sugar

If we gain weight and accumulate fat, it’s mainly due to an overconsumption of carbohydrates (sugars) in our modern diet.

This excess sugar leads to a caloric intake that is much too high compared to our needs. As a result, we store it, year after year.

The modern diet: 3 to 4 times too many carbs compared to that of our ancestors

A Paleolithic diet contained about 100 to 150 g of carbohydrates per day.

Today, we consume more like 400 g daily, a good portion of which is in the form of refined sugars, which are very bad for health.

To lose fat sustainably, we need to reverse the trend by drastically reducing carbs.

Step 1: Eliminate all cereal and starchy products

The worst enemy for losing fat is cereal and starchy products: bread, pasta, cereals, potatoes… By eliminating them, you will drastically reduce your carbohydrate consumption and you will lose weight naturally, without being hungry.

Do athletes really need starches?

No! It is wrongly thought that to have energy during your sports session, you need to consume a lot of starches.

This is completely false.

Your energy depends on your glycogen stores, and these are limited. It is therefore useless to “stuff” your body with carbohydrates, it will not be able to store everything. You can very well have a cereal-free diet while being very efficient in sports.

Step 2: Stop industrial fruit juices

We often think we’re doing the right thing by drinking fruit juices, convinced that it’s healthy. Wrong!

Most commercial juices are loaded with added sugars, and even if they are 100% pure juice, they remain very caloric and raise insulin levels. Plus, they contain pesticides. In short, to be avoided if you want to shed fat!

The healthy alternative: Homemade juice in moderation

If you can’t do without juice, prepare it yourself with a juicer and organic fruits. And consume them sparingly, because even natural, they remain a significant source of sugar. Moderation is key.

Step 3: Choose your fruits strategically according to their glycemic index

Not all fruits are equal in terms of impact on blood sugar and therefore on fat. There are those with a low glycemic index (GI) like raspberries, blackberries, currants, and those with a high GI like bananas or apricots. If you don’t play sports, prefer the former.

If you train within hours of eating them, you can opt for the latter. The rule: only consume carbohydrates if you are going to expend them immediately afterwards.

Our answers to your questions about Christopher’s method for losing fat

How long does it take to see results by applying these 3 steps?

The results are often visible quite quickly, in just a few weeks. Christopher lost his first 7 kilos of fat in about 2 months. But be careful, it is important to proceed in stages and only move on to the next one when the previous one is well assimilated.

Can we really do without starches even when we do a lot of sports?

Absolutely! Christopher himself trains nearly 2 hours a day and does not consume any cereal products. His performance is not affected, on the contrary. He manages to progress on his loads and exercises. Carbohydrates are not essential to perform well, it is a misconception.

Are there healthy alternatives to industrial fruit juices?

The best option is to consume whole fruits, which are much more satiating. But if you insist on drinking juices, prepare them at home with a juicer and quality organic fruits. This way you will control the amount of sugar and avoid additives. But be careful not to overdo it anyway.

How do you know if a fruit has a low or high GI?

As a general rule, berries (raspberries, blueberries, blackberries…) have a low glycemic index. Conversely, tropical fruits (bananas, mangoes, pineapples…), dried fruits and very sweet fruits like dates have a high GI. A little internet research will allow you to easily classify your favorite fruits.